Introduction to Knowledge Peers
1st April 2010
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Knowledge Peers is a directors’ network with a difference.

We provide guidance on practical business issues that boards of established companies struggle with. We are unique because we cut out the armchair experts and enable business leaders to learn from each other. We actively seek out senior executives with many years of experience running complex organisations, and help our members to quickly tap into their experience via video interviews and various forms of personal networking.

Every week, we get to meet and video the leaders of some of the most interesting UK-based organisations around. Some you’ll have heard of, others you won’t. They are small but established, doing innnovative things, and trying to grow. These people have years of experience in dealing with the practical problems of running a business. They’re not rent-a-mouth Dragon’s Den-type entrepreneurs.

In this blog, we share with you some of what they’re telling us about the experience of running a smaller business in the UK today.

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