Local Professional Photographer: Pre-Wedding Shoot in Wattling Park, Burnt Oak.
21st June 2010
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Saturday saw me meeting with one of my future wedding couples, the lovely Nicole & Tyrone for a pre-wedding shoot.

These photoshoots are offered to all of my wedding clients and help me to understand how comfortable (or otherwise) my clients are in front of the camera, and what type(s) of photography they like best - and they help my clients by giving them some practice and hopefully making them a little more relaxed when it comes to their big day.   As a thank you, my clients get to choose a complimentary 10x8 print from the shoot.

We chose Wattling Park in Burnt Oak which gave us a mix of locations and backgrounds to work with where we spent an hour together making the following photographs.

One tip for aspiring photographers wishing to capture images from a low angle (like the first image shown here) is to check for stinging nettles before laying on the floor - despite wearing a long sleeved shirt they didn't half sting!






If you'd like to see some more (and find out whether I suffered any more injuries in the making of them!) then hop on over to my facebook page and feast your eyes - whilst you're there why not mark yourself as liking the page, and be automatically kept in touch with what I'm up to.

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