Networking Tips!
7th January 2010
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Ever felt lost for words at a networking event?

Not quite sure what to say to start off a conversation?


Here are ten questions that you can mix and match to suit any particular occasion:


  • How did you get your start in the ‘Widget’ business? – People like to be Movie of the week in someone else’s mind – let them share their story while you actively listen.
  • What do you actively enjoy most about your profession? – Another positive question that should get you a positive answer.
  • What separates you and your company from your competition? – The permission to brag question.
  • What advice would you give to someone just starting in your business? – We all like to feel like a mentor, to feel that our answer matters and that we can value to someone else.
  • What one thing would you do with your business if you knew you could not fail? – People always take time to ponder before answering this one.
  • What significant changes have you seen take place in your profession through the years?- Asking people who are a little more mature in years works well in this instance as they have gone through the computer age, the take over of Fax machines, from a time when service really seemed to matter.
  • What do you see as the coming trends in your business? – “The spectacular question”. People in the media who are asked this type of question are portrayed as knowledgeable types with their finger on the pulse.
  • Describe the strangest or funniest incident experienced in your business? – You’re volunteering to be the person’s audience, we all have stories that we like to share especially with a ‘new listener’.
  • What have you found to be the most effective for promoting your business? – This is a more probing question and perhaps should be asked after initial rapport building.
  • What one sentence would you like people to use in describing the way you do business? You have paid a compliment – you have asked the question quite possibly, people who are closest to them yet have never thought to ask!


thebusinessclub-North London next club meeting :

DATE: Wednesday 20th January 2010

VENUE : Hendon Hall Hotel

TIME : 6pm for 6.30pm meet. 7pm start.

Business Builder Free to members Incl Buffet (Non Members may attend two meetings before joining at a charge of £10 per meeting)



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