Property Developers BE Warned
11th June 2010
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This week the government announced plans with immediate effect to  scaphousing density targets and stop backland developments.

What this means for us is private residential gardens which used to be developed in high demand housing areas will now struggle to get planning. The definition of previously developed or brownfield land has been removed.   This doesn't prevent the development of such sites but makes it easier for it to be refused by planners.   

The national minimum density has been removed, currently currently 30 dwellings per hectare.  This had been blamed for contributing to a shortage of family-sized dwellings. Councils will now have a free hand to agree densities and the mix of housing types with developers and to consult with local communities on the types of development that will be allowed in the future.

Currently it is stuggle to convince planners that high density is needed with the old policy I fear this is going to make developers and architects job harder.


About the Author

kishor v

Member since: 15th June 2010

I'm a director of Studio V architects, my job involves turning spaces in to valuable assets. I enjoy spending time with my wife and young son.

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