Seven most common methods of cooking vegetables by Val Thornhill -
5th October 2010
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The most common methods of cooking vegetables are:

  • Boiling - use enough hot water to cover the vegetables,add abit of salt and boil it gently try not to over cook
  • Steaming - place vegetablesin a pan without water and cover them on low heat steam for 4minutes-vegeables that steam well is asparagus carrot peas brussel sprout.
  • Braising - cooking vegetable slowly covered in a small amount of water like mushrooms leeks and zucchini
  • Deep-frying - soft vegetables are patialy cooked ,hard vegetables such as cauliflower can be deep fry successfully-vegetables are eggplant potato onions
  • Baking - these vegetables are squash potato egglant which can be cooked in the skin
  • Broiling - broiling is the term used to cooking soft vegetables such as eggplant mushrooms and tomatoes
  • Sauteing - fippling cooked vegetables in a hot pan to finished cooking. frozen vegetables as well as fresh vegetables are perfect ffor sauteing. vegetebles are broccoli carrot cauliflower potatoes peas and onions


Val Thornhill - Catering for business and pleasure


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Member since: 5th October 2010

Val Thornhill. North west london professional caterer.Mother of two lovely daughtetrs. to contact us :
Val Thornhill. North london professional

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