Calling Bridgend Bloggers
16th November 2009
... Comments

Bridgend bloggers wanted.

If you are a member of a club, society or organisation in the Bridgend area and want to share your activities or interests with other local residents then please register on the site and become a registered blogger.  Once you have become a member you can then go to the blog page you will find a clickable link under the 'Meet the Team' header.

We are looking for people with opinions about Bridgend they would like to share with others.  If you feel like penning a letter to the local newspaper, blogging is better.  It's instant and as long as you are not too contraversial, you will almost certainly get published. 

Looking forward to hearing from you,


About the Author

Team Bridgend

Member since: 2nd July 2012

thebestof Bridgend offer innovative ways to promote local businesses and page rank blogging is just part of that. I love blogging and am always on the look out for local stories and articles. Send them...

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