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Cafes in North Laine

Find the best Cafes in North Laine as recommended by local North Laine people in thebestof North Laine's Cafes directory.
Cafes in North Laine
Bright Now Café - The Brighthelm Centre
For a centrally located cafe just two minutes from Brighton Station, why not pop into the Bright Now Cafe, open Monday - Friday 8:30am til 4:30pm for breakfasts, lunches, snacks and hot drinks. With a wide range of freshly made sandwiches, paninis and hot meals, the relaxed environment at Brighthelm is just what you need to escape the busy city for a bite to eat.
Amy P said
This cafe is open hearted and open minded and therefore somewhere I can truly relax and take care of myself in whatever way is needed. Lovely people all around too.
Source: thebestof.co.uk
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Brighthelm Centre
Brunswick Fine Wines & Spirits
Bright Now Café - The Brighthelm Centre
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