Bromley Hospitals Fair To Middling?
20th October 2009
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Whenever there are national reports and assessments of the NHS, there always seems to be a mixed-bag response from those patients and relatives of patients: some in agreement and many supporting the staff they encountered.

The Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust is now merged with Queen Mary's NHS Trust in Sidcup and Woolwich's Queen Elizabeth NHS Trust -creating the slightly impersonally named South London Healthcare NHS Trust. It seems both names are still in use. Confused? I am.

Maybe because of the resultant identity crisis, in the recent Care Quality Commissions Report the Bromley Hospitals NHS Trust has not changed its rating given last year, and still rates as financially 'weak' and 'fair' in terms of overall quality.

Last week the News Shopper went on to report that the Bromley Primary Care trust (PCT) was rated 'good' financially and 'fair' for overall quality.

Something in me doesn't sit well with the term 'service' when talking about the NHS, as it seems to diminish the experience and knowledge needed as a healthcare professional. My own personal experience with the NHS has been largely excellent, and I always remind myself its over and above what I could afford to pay for myself if I had to go private!

So what are your experiences of the NHS in Bromley? Email us here at TheBestOf Bromley to have your say.

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