Bromley settles down for another big freeze
8th January 2010
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As the UK reels from the shock of its first proper winter in years, Kent Police issues some sound advice.

With more bad weather, freezing temperatures and snow forecast for this weekend, Bromley residents and people across the country need to get prepared.

As my mother always asks at such times: "Do you have enough bread and milk in?"!

So if you are traveling around Kent today, the roads are extremely hazardous and icy, so please heed the following information:

For the latest road closures across Kent, check back here or call the dedicated phone line which has been set up - 01622 654321. The line is updated regularly.

Kent Police have issued the following information and advice:

"Advice for Motorists

  • Travel should be avoided unless absolutely necesary. If you do have to travel, make sure you take extra warm, waterproof clothing, food and water.
  • Check the weather forecast and road conditions for your destination before you travel.
  • Make sure you have full visibility before driving, taking time to de-mist and de-ice all windows.
  • Poor weather conditions mean it can be harder for drivers to see, so use your lights.
  • When the roads are wet and icy it can take twice as long to stop your vehicle, so slow down.
  • Leave more distance between you and the car in front as it could take you up to twice as long to stop if you have to brake suddenly. Ease off the acceleration when taking corners and roundabouts and avoid braking suddenly
  • In poor visibility be extra alert for hazards.
  • Carry warm waterproof clothing, food, water and a torch in your vehicle in case weather conditions mean you have to stop.
  • Make sure you have plenty of fuel for your journey before you set off.

Advice for pedestrians and cyclists

Be vigilant and make sure you can be seen however you are travelling - make sure you use lights and wear high visibility clothing.


If you have elderly relatives or neighbours, please check that they are safe and well. We advise that you do not drive but give them a call or ask a neighbour to knock on their door.

    •    For the latest weather updates visit the Met Office website 
    •    Find out what's happening on the motorways and trunk roads by visiting the Highways Agency website"


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TheBestOfBromley Blog - what's on and what's gone

Kim Frances is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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