Bromley's Business Get a Boost
3rd November 2009
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The Churchill Theatre in Bromley will this Wednesday be hosting a FREE 'Boost Your Business: Supply Bromley' event, offering specialist advice about procurement in the public sector.

A press release from Bromley Council had this to say:

Four skills workshops are on offer during the event, covering principles of public sector procurement, procurement processes at Bromley Council, business financing and maximising sales effectiveness - all designed to help businesses increase their chances of winning new contracts. The event includes an exhibition of business support experts and time to network with other businesses.

“This is a great opportunity for local businesses to find out about public sector procurement and take advantage of the opportunities out there. They will also benefit from the business support advice on hand. The Council wants to boost local businesses and the economy, and this is the latest in a series of events that will help create and protect local jobs” said Julian Benington, Executive Councillor for Renewal and Recreation, London Borough of Bromley.


It's an early start for some at 8.45am, running until just after lunchtime at 1.30pm. Refreshments will be provided.
For more information please contact Shiraz El Saket on or 020 7700 0008

I think this business event is a must for any local company, and amongst other benefits could at the very least be an excellent networking opportunity.

About the Author

Ivan R

Member since: 29th June 2012

I own and run thebestofBromleyBorough

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