Halloween Humbug
27th October 2009
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Halloween is fast approaching, and I for one am getting ready for trick or treating. By that I mean I'm preparing to make it look like I'm out!

I don't mean to be an old All-Hallows-Scrooge, but having opened my door to moody teens in masks and sweats one year, I'm a little reluctant to open the door after sunset on our very dark street, especially if I'm at home alone with the Little One.

I'm neither elderly nor frail, so I can see why some people feel too intimidated to open up to trick or treaters, especially if they live in slightly more 'problematic' areas of the borough.

Bromley police have been out and about talking to children in schools, helping to promote a happy Halloween, and consideration for those that don't wish to take part. Trick or treating is for the very young accompanied by parents - if you're old enough to go it alone, you're too old to treat.


Bromley police have issued some guidelines for parents who plan to trick or treat:

Children should always be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Parents should identify neighbours willing to be called on, and agree and approximate time to knock.

Discuss with these neighbours what treats are appropriate.

Any money given should be donated to an identified charity.

Discuss with your children what tricks are acceptable.

No to teenagers trick or treating!


Halloween is traditionally a night to mark the end of the summer and the beginning of winter, when the barrier between life and the Other Realm is at its thinnest - great for letting good spirits through to say hi to their loved ones, but bad spirits often hitch a ride. The tradition of dressing up grew from the living trying to disguise themselves as bad spirits so they'd be left alone.

It seems a little like an oximoron given the origins, but please play nicely this All Hallows Eve: Take Care and Don't Scare

Personally, we shall be celebrating Halloween with a family party, and Little One will be discguised as a terribly cute little witch - maybe I'm not such a humbug after all..



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Kim Frances is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.


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