Record Numbers Join The Mayor For Bluebell Walk
18th May 2010
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Over 900 walkers joined The Mayor of Bromley, Councillor Douglas Auld (pictured), in braving the rain and cold at Harris HospisCare’s annual Bluebell Walk on Sunday 9th May.
The record attendance, which included families, dog clubs, walking associations and local businesses, got to enjoy four spectacular country routes that steered walkers through a Kent landscape adorned with stunning bluebells.
Walkers set-off from Cudham recreation ground accompanied by music from the Village Green Stompers jazz band, choosing one of the four available cross-country paths. For the small children there was a teddy bear hunt, where eagle-eyed kids could discover hidden cuddly toys, while animal lovers got to trek through fields of horses, sheep and cows, before being welcomed back at Cudham by the Francis Chappell Dignity Charity Organ, a well deserved cup of tea and some gorgeous home-made cake.
Harris HospisCare fundraiser Simon Pitts said “The turnout this year was incredible, especially considering the miserable weather, and we would like to thank every single person who attended and helped us raise the funds we so vitally need. Their hard work is very much appreciated and we hope we will get to see all our walkers again next year, when the Walk will take place on Sunday 8th May.”
A running fundraising total can be found on the Harris HospisCare website, where it is hoped that the pre-event target of £30,000 will be reached.
And a date for the future:
The Harris Hospice Care Summer Fair is on 12th June between 10am and 4pm.
There will be a large number of stalls selling various merchandise, plenty of games for the kids including a mini Olympics tournament, a selection of classic cars, a steam engine, world cup penalty shoot out, BBQ, Beer and Pimms tent and a dog show.
There are a few pitches left for anyone interested - please contact Harris Hospice Care for more details.

Harris HospisCare with St Christopher’s has provided compassionate care for dying people in Bromley since 1984.
It costs Harris Hospis Care with St Christopher’s over £1.7million every year to maintain its services. As a registered charity it relies on the support of donations and legacies to continue its work.

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Kim Frances is a freelance writer and photographer with The Little White Studio.

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