What's on for Halloween in Bromley
5th October 2009
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Now then ladies and gentlemen, does anyone know which festival is fast approaching? Anyone?

Is it, could it be... the Witching Hour?

And then after they've enjoyed their happy hour, it's Halloween!

Now's the time to get planning with costumes and party ideas, if only so your little darlings don't get shown up at the school disco in a really lame no-really-I-didn't-throw-this-together-at-11pm-the-night-before special. It's social suicide for kids, honestly.

There are lots of websites out there with great ideas for costumes and party games or favours. A quick Google brought these three up, but there are lots more:



There are also party and costume shops in the Bromley area worth checking out:

All Dressed Up - 2 Churchfields Road, BECKENHAM, BR3 4QW tel: 02086589625 www.alldressedup.net

Fancy Dress me - 37 Croydon Road, Coney Hall, BR4 9HZ‎ tel: 020 8462 3664‎ www.fancydressme.com

Do you own another fancy dress or party shop in the Bromley area? Let us know!

There are loads of events listed around London on Visit London.com for adults and children alike, but I'm struggling to find more local Halloween events closer to Bromley. If you know of one that deserves a mention or inclusion on our Bromley Events pages, then do let us know.

I'd love to share more events, ideas and suggestions with you all, so please feel free to email me at bromley@thebestof.co.uk to tell us of anything we haven't already covered.

If your school is organising anything, or you have an age-old recipe that actually makes pumpkin pie edible, then let us know. And don't forget to keep an eye on our Bromley Events and Members Offers pages nearer the time for great activities and offers.


Thank you for reading thebestof Bromley Blog. If you have something to say about Bromley and what's going on for you, we'd love to hear from you. Come and blog with us: email bromley@thebestof.co.uk

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Ivan R

Member since: 29th June 2012

I own and run thebestofBromleyBorough

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