Silent Retreat Day
  • Amrita Hall, MA Centre, 211 Fair Acres, Bromley
    BR2 9YG
  • Sunday 6th October 10:00am until 6:30pm
Join us to celebrate our beloved Amma's 71st birthday on this special weekend programme with Swami Shubamritananda Puri. The weekend is available to all - please register below as per your availability for both Swamiji's programme on Saturday & silent retreat on Sunday.

Silent Retreat with Swamiji: Sunday 6th October 10:00- 18.30

Registration at 9:30 AM.

We invite you to immerse yourself in a day of silence and guided meditation, led by Swami Shubamritanda Puri.

This silent retreat is an opportunity to transform the usually turbulent mind into a powerful ally.

Meditation (sitting & walking)

Spiritual Talk

Passages of Silence


£45, incl. meals.

This is our second retreat at MA Centre and will be a day guided by Swamiji. £45 per person to include refreshments, lunch and dinner.

Social Interaction
* thebestof cannot be held responsible for any changes, amends or cancellations of an event
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