Nominate your favourite police officer for a Community Policing Award 2011
10th March 2011
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Show your appreciation by NOMINATING YOUR LOCAL POLICE OFFICER for a Community Policing Award. 
We certainly moan a lot about the law, injustices - as we see them and so on but there are many times when the police can really help us and I am thinking of one particular incident for myself.
I had a really positive and helpful experience of our local constable recently when my newly driving teenager came off the road on a particularly nasty country lane.  Heart in mouth, I arrived at the scene to find him, thankfully, with just minor injuries.  The police who attended the scene were kind and considerate.  What impressed me the most was their conversations with those involved - stern but sympathetic. 
There are a number of catagories including community police and special constables. 

Visit and click on community policing awards on the first page.

Nomination closing date 8th April 2011.



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