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Business News & Updates

The Best of Burton-on-Trent & The Best of Derby
New Years blog
New Years blog
A blog on the events that happened over new years, and the ones which are still to come.
Burton Calendar Girls
Burton Calendar Girls
All the information you need to know about the Burton Calendar Girls.
Another new business joins Burton's brightest web directory & social media site.
As 111mph wind speeds hit the UK, we bring you some reassurance of what help can be offered and also some pictures of the after effects the weather is having locally.
Coopers Square Shopping Centre has been awarded the nationally recognised Park Mark® Safer Parking Award for its secure parking facilities.
Flower Arranging Classes
Flower Arranging Classes
Not sure what to treat your loved one to this Christmas ...
Are you protected from the dangers of Carbon Monoxide? Read on and find out how you can save 50% on a boiler and fire service this Christmas.
With the official UK release date of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 being today, the 8th November 2011, we're giving you a run down of the chepeast places to buy the game, both online and in store. Read the article for more information...
Power of networking
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