monthly free coffee mornings startng in Long Melford
28th April 2010
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THE FIRST OF 'BEST OF COFFEE MORNINGS' WILL START ONCE A MONTH IN LONG MELFORD ,tomorrow, Thursday 29th April,  from 10-12 at the Swan in Long Melford

By popular demand we have been asked to organize something similar to our regular Bury mornings in the Sudbury/Long Melford area.

The recently totally refurbished SWAN in Hall Street Long Melford, is also under new ownership and a wonderful venue and a gem of a garden.

The same format as our Benson Blakes fortnightly business coffee mornings,

free to all local businesses, hosted by Michele and myself of the Best of BSE, and always a sponsor, who pays the venue directly £30 to cover the cost for the morning.

The Sponsor gets the chance to present  their business and can use it as a platform to promote their product.

Always bring plenty of business cards and leaflets and tell other business people to come and drop in.

Everyone is welcome.




About the Author

Miriam W

Member since: 10th July 2012

hello there, I am the owner of the Best of Bury St Edmunds and my aim is to keep all local people informed about the better businesses in our lovely town and make sure the businesses on this directory...

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