Learning to drive and passing your driving test is life changing, it’s known to be one of the highlights of your life. Up there with having your first child and getting married. The key to passing your driving test is choosing the perfect driving instructor for you personally.
Experience & Background
Graham has been teaching the people of Bolton and Bury for the past 16 years, and as a result, has a wealth of knowledge in both areas. Graham is a grade A driving instructor (the top grade) and is qualified to teach those with higher levels of anxiety as well as those with ASD needs. Graham is adamant that anxiety, dyslexia, dyspraxia and other forms of ASD should never stop you from learning to drive.
Graham has a pass rate of 91% within two attempts at the driving test; it's even higher for those with ASD.
How Is Graham Different?
Graham's pupils at Get Driving Today get free access to DriveWise, saving them £29.99! Drivewise was created by Graham and is therefore not available from any other school or driving instructor in the UK.
Theory Hub - Everything you need to help you understand and pass your theory test.
On the Road - Includes Over 50 videos’ covering all of your driving lessons, giving you the chance to watch the video’s ahead of your next lesson.
What His Pupils Say…
Graham's reviews have a recurring theme. Graham is realxed, calm and funny :>) His main aim is to get you, the learner driver, feeling calm and relaxed to help you learn at your pace.
Graham’s Tips for Learners:
If you are serious about learning to drive, get in touch with Get Driving Today.
"Don't practice until you get it right, practice until you can't get it wrong”
Graham was the best driving instructor I could have asked for! I’ve been driving for years in Brazil, and the change to driving on the other side of the car …
Graham is most definitely the best driving instructor around my area. I started my lessons incredibly nervous and anxious to get on the road, however Graham soon eased those nerves …
Graham from get Driving Today is simply "THE BEST" driving instructor, both my children have now passed with him. They both passed first time, just a few months after turning …
Grahams a fantastic driving teacher I couldn’t have passed without him! He helped me build my confidence in driving and never let me doubt myself. Would recommend him 100% thanks …
Graham is a fantastic driving instructor , he's professional, patience and caring and without Graham I honestly feel I wouldn't have passed my test. Anyone who’s thinking of learning to …
Revving Past Anxiety: Gain Confidence with Graham from Get Driving Today!
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