Get Driving Today

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Graham's patience, support and humour all contributed to me becoming a confident driver and having a blast along the way! I couldn't recommend him enough as his understanding and motivating approach made me believe in myself and ultimately led to me passing both my theory and practical test first time! He was great at putting my mind at ease and was amazing at talking me through any tasks that I felt nervous about, which really helped me to practice and improve. I seriously can't thank him enough, he's the best!!!
What can I say about Graham!
My absolute hero! This time last year I had quit my lessons with a previous instructor and decided driving was not for me. Then I found Graham on Google after I typed in anxiety specialist driving school.
I suffer with anxiety, especially when it to driving. I don't think I moved out of second gear through my first few lessons. Graham was fantastic from the very beginning, he has the patience of a saint, ensuring that there was as little stress in my lessons as possible (even if it meant having the greatest showman soundtrack on for the entire lesson)
Graham was understanding and patient through the process and worked extremely hard. Nearly a year on and I passed my test yesterday and have driven all over today including the motorway! I never would have thought when I refused to drive faster than 20mph in those first few lessons that id be zipping down the motorway today.
I know we joked that when I passed, I would have Hugh Jackman to thank but I could never have got where I am without Grahams help and Guidance and I couldn't recommend him enough as a driving instructor.
Big thanks to Graham and Brian (the monkey) and Hugh Jackman if he sees this.
First and foremost, this was easily the best decision I have made. To give some context to my situation, I am 20 years old and I was a nervous wreck driver with bad anxiety and i had failed my test with a previous instructor, I had only 10 months left on my theory test and was in panic mode fearing that i might have to re-do that as well. Then I booked with graham, I had my first lesson at the start of September 2018 and now i can proudly say i have passed (today on the 31st) at end of October 2018. 2 months, yes (only 2 months!!!) with Graham aka (my saviour) and i've passed. Also, if you are in doubt of whether to book Graham or not, then please ( i must reiterate this) PLEASE do not look further, book Graham and save your self time and money, you will go through heaps of rubbish instructors for months on end when you can just pass with Graham in 2. He WILL make you pass, no doubt in my mind. I got Grahams card from a family friend and decided to go for it once and for all, and well, the proof is in the pudding, i have got my license now and i am over the moon. Thank you Graham!!! (and the rest of the staff!!) for helping me get my license, It was impossible without your guidance and encouragement!!.
I don't know if the public can vote for a winner but if not I would like to say that Get Driving Today would get my vote you see Well i can't really say enough I have a 21 year old son who is autistic I was hoping one day he would be able to drive but didn't think I would ever find a understanding driving instructor for him, but then came Get Driving Today and he passed I can never thank Graham enough Graham is a top man and a top driving instructor highly recommended by me the day my son told me he had passed his test was one of the proudest moments driving has given him so much enjoyment and freedom I can't thank Get Driving Enough.
Well i can't really say enough I have a 21 year old son who is autistic I was hoping one day he would be able to drive but didn't think I would ever find a understanding driving instructor for him, but then came Get Driving Today and he passed I can never thank Graham enough Cheer's Graham top man and a top driving instructor highly recommended.
Can't really give anything less than 5 stars to Graham for somehow getting me, of all people, my driving licence first time round in what was a surprisingly short and painless endeavour. Thank you for your seemingly endless supply of support, patience and questionable road markings! Will be 100% recommending you to anyone who asks.
I'll be singing Graham's praises to everyone and anyone who'll listen! He did a fantastic job with me and took me from a bag of nerves to a much more relaxed and confident driver. I wouldn't have passed my test without him, his patience and humour really kept me going and every lesson was a pleasure. Very knowledgeable and professional instructor who I couldn't recommend highly enough. Thanks Graham!
Iv just passed today with get driving today with Graham. 2nd time for me but first time was all me ๐Ÿ˜’. Graham has a great way of learning people to drive he is very relaxed and will help you with anything that you need help with . I give Graham a 5 star review because heโ€™s worth ever star and will recommend him to everyone .
My life has now changed. I can't thank Graham and the team enough. I have passed.
I met Graham for the first time a car park whilst going shopping. I was 38 years old and never wanted to learn how to drive ( or pretended I didn't simply because I did not want to fail at something). I had never seen Graham before that day but I approached him with the challenge of his life "Could you teach me to drive?"...challenge accepted. I don't know why I felt Graham would be the one to help me but he was just such a warm welcoming person who put me at ease. Then I started lessons with him. He is the most supportive, genuine person I have ever met. I made the best choice in asking Graham to guide me through something that would be life changing and mean so much to me. The best decision I have ever made. Looking back on my lessons I can't believe how much Graham has not only made me a confident driver, he has changed my perspective on many areas of my life and how to deal with stressful situations in and out of the car.
I was so anxious as life with my family hit an all time low. Graham's driving lesson became my therapy sessions. Time for me! Fitting in a full time job and a poorly child was sometimes too hard to handle at times but Graham kept me going, insisting I didn't miss lesson and kept me focussed on the end goal...independence!
Even when things where bad he took the time to make me smile.
Graham tailors each step of driving to individual needs, ways to remember ( however crazy) and what helps you to learn. He gives support and advice on every aspect of driving. He pinpoints areas to work on and makes each and every lesson fun even when my stress levels were at there highest. Wow yes I would even use the word AWESOME when I think of Graham and GDT. Never once did he get frustrated or annoyed and I assure you I'm not an easy pupil ( I am known as a princess).
Thank you for pushing me to pass my driving test. Words will never be enough. You are amazing and I can't recommend you and your company enough.
I will actually miss having lessons but glad I've made an exceptional new friend.
You have changed my life
How do you choose a Driving Instructor, Plumber, Electrician? Recommendations, that's how! Graham was recommended by a close friend after his two girls passed and now my son, Adam, has passed his theory and test first time. Graham had a great way of putting Adam at ease and making the whole process enjoyable. I am extremely proud of my sons endeavours. Thank you Graham.
I passed my test today! I can't thank Graham enough. He was so helpful and patient with me, always explaining things and giving me time to adpat and to learn. I'm definitely an anxious driver and it was amazing to see my confidence and driving ability improve each week, and to see driving become natural to me; something that wouldn't have happened without Graham explaining things in detail and giving me plenty of time and opportunity to practice. I always felt at ease in the car and he always made me feel relaxed when I was in the driver's seat. Thank you for all of your help over the past few months! I cannot recommend this business enough!
Today i passed my driving test with Graham from Get Driving Today, who is honestly the most helpful man i have ever come across he helped me through some great barriers with not only my driving but my anxiety he let me see the positives with driving rather then the negatives, Graham is extremely patient and is a great teacher who adapts his approach the individual, he puts 110% into his students and i honestly wouldn't of passed without him so thank you Graham and i will 100% recommend you to anyone!!
I really couldn't have passed my practical with out Graham...I thought I was ready to just jump straight in but i soon learnt there is alot more technical finesse which I soon felt after a couple hours with Graham...great guy highly recommend thank you so much for helpping open more doors!!
Graham has always stuck by me even when I couldn't stick by myself during learning to drive, it took a couple of times. More than I care to admit to be honest, but graham supported me so much he even took me for tests without charging me for anything but the test itself. He has argued with examiners over my tests, and made me a more confident and better person. He has taught me from the very beginning, we've had laughs, even some tears, but In the end I passed my test. If it wasn't for him I would of given up months before my tests. But he told me to stick by it, he supported me and got me through everything. I couldn't of asked for a better instructor, he's done everything he possibly can to get me driving and I couldn't thank him enough.
get driving today has been a great help i have learnt alot from my instructer any questions i had he answered and was always friendly and polite and i have now got through my theory test and practical test the first time,i highly recommend get driving today to all people who would like to learn how to drive.
Passed my test yesterday first time - woohoo! Can't thank graham enough for all his help throughout all of my driving lessons & for always being so flexible. Graham puts 110% in to his job and it's clear to see how much he enjoys teaching us all how to drive, even us that rant a lot :) Thank you so much for all your help & support - you are a legend!! - would highly recommend :) Elisha x
Today I passed my driving test with Graham from Get Driving Today after a few months' driving. This was never going to be an easy one - I've got quite severe dyspraxia and have suffered with anxiety, plus had some life problems in the mix...
The first time I met Graham I told him I couldn't drive. I'd had a few instructors a good few years ago who'd told me it was a lost cause and really believed it myself. Graham said "huh, you haven't been out to drive with me, it's not neccessarily a barrier" and one thing led to another and we were sat in a car together with me in the driving seat.
I think we've broken every rule in Graham's "rules of driving" to get me passed in the end and it says a lot about him that he's the kind of instructor that'll do that. I mean, I ended up taking the test in my own car, after a final intensive couple of days of lessons, after playing with test dates over and over again - because that was what it took to get me passed and feel like I could drive properly. Graham is kind, patient, hugely knowledgeable and never once told me I was silly when I had a meltdown, which happened more than once! You will finish driving with Graham feeling like you've found a new friend (one who goes "oi!" at you if you miss a blind spot, of course).
I wouldn't be sat here with a driving licence right now if it wasn't for Graham. If anyone's ever written you off from driving, or you've written yourself off, give him a call. It might just change your life like it did mine.
I was unsure and nervous about passing my driving test in UK as I was told it is very difficult to pass UK driving test. However, my instructor Graham has helped me to pass my driving test the first time! He is very friendly, patient, reassuring and is very good at explaining things in a simple and straight forward way. I would definitely recommend to anyone!
I started learning to drive this year in January with a different instructor, and after having ten lessons and not feeling comfortable with the instructor I decided I wanted to try someone else. A friend had recommended Graham so I got in touch and began lessons in late march. Today I am proud to say I have passed my driving test on my first attempt, and I have to say I am incredibly grateful for Graham's tutelage. I always felt at ease during lessons, even when making mistakes which might normally result in panic. Graham is patient and offer criticism at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way, encouraging you to correct mistakes rather than emphasising that a mistake has been made. From start to finish he was consistently optimistic that a pass was the only outcome and here I am with a full driving license. I cannot reccommend Graham enough!!!
I passed my driving test first time today thanks to Graham. I'd had lessons in the past but always felt too anxious about it and gave up. I never thought I'd be able to pass my test but as soon as I started lessons with Graham he shown belief and confidence in me and assured me I would get there. I was extremely nervous about getting out on the road, but Graham is relaxed and patient which helped me a lot.
Graham is a brilliant instructor, and such a great guy. He will go above and beyond to help make sure you get to grips with any aspect of driving you're struggling with. Lessons were always really enjoyable, and the laughs and banter really helped me feel more at ease.
Graham, you never doubted me and always believed I could do it even when I didn't believe in myself. Thanks for everything. See you soon for motorway lessons!
A little note to say a BIG Thank You to Graham your patience and perseverance got our little Lauryn there in the end second time passed but done and dusted in 6 months !!
My son is currently learning with Graham and is progressing with ease and confidence. I previously recommended Graham to a friends wife who had failed with previous instructors but now drives with confidence. Graham makes his pupils calm and confident to make learning to drive easy.
I'd never have passed without Graham's patience and understanding! He even put up with me waving at other motorists! LOL Completely recommended, no reservations whatsover...just the best!
I found Graham after an unfortunate experience with a driving instructor, who left me feeling extremely anxious about the prospect of driving. However, Graham immediately put me at ease with his relaxed and humourous nature, and let me take driving at a pace that I felt comfortable at, but at the same time, boosted my confidence to allow me to have faith in myself. It is with his help and support that I passed both my theory and practical tests first time. I would highly recommend Graham to anyone learning to drive, but particularly to those who aren't as confident. I will look back at learning to drive with fond memories, of the many laughs we shared and the increased confidence I felt that I didn't think would ever be possible for me!
I have been learning on and off with Graham for the 8yrs! I cant believe we've put up with each other so long. Graham is a fab instructor, that makes you feel at ease behind the wheel, and isn't afraid to tell you off when you've done wrong. I highly recommend him!! Thanks again Graham.
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Revving Past Anxiety: Gain Confidence with Graham from Get Driving Today!

Learning how to drive can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, but with the right driving instructor, you can gain the knowledge and confidence you need to hit the road safely. Read article