BusinessLodge, the flexible space provider with innovative office spaces in the North of England and Midlands, has received two shortlistings in the UK’s national flexible space accolades – The FlexSA Awards Both the Bury and Stoke-on-Trent sites have been recognised for their Excellence in Customer Service.
At People Matters HR, one of the North West’s leading HR Consultancies, our clients benefit from a range tailor made HR retainer packages, aimed at different types of business often at different stages of the growth cycle.
Square Peg Associates is The North West’s leading Recruitment Company celebrating 10 years of putting the right people into correct roles and is a long standing highly trusted member of thebestofbury.
Woodcocks Haworth & Nuttall Solicitors, WHN, is a powerful presence in the business community and the private sector providing Professional Legal Services and Advice. During the recent lockdowns the firm has continued working in the interests of clients throughout, now that business is returning to normal, they are adding their support to The North West Premier Business Fair once again to help the community move forward.
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