A client's perspective of Bury BusinessLodge
12th February 2018
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For our latest blog, we thought we’d find out a little more about one of our Bury BusinessLodge neighbours.  This month we ask Oliver Caunt of JCS Nuclear Solutions how he and the team find being a client here in the centre.   
How long have you been based in Bury BusinessLodge and where was your base previously?
We moved into the Business Lodge for in early January 2016. We were previously based in the Gatehouse in Summerseat (next door to the Spinnings building and perpendicular to the old Waterside Pub). When the Boxing Day floods of 2015 hit Summerseat and contributed to the collapse of the Waterside, our building was compromised and we had to relocate quickly. I had known the team from the Best Of Bury for a few years before through the MIBBA’s, and am still very grateful to Debi who, on the day of the floods, suggested the Business Lodge as temporary premises. Kate and fellow MIBBA judge Juliette, were brilliant in helping us out.
Did you find the process of taking an office here an easy process?
Very straight forward. We moved into temporary digs after new year 2016, and liked it so much we’ve stayed - taking a suite upstairs in Europa House.
Tell us a little about your business – what do JCS Nuclear Solutions do?
JCS is a technical manufacturer specialising in nuclear sensing and shielding. We design and build radiation detection equipment, and provide high integrity shielding materials for a wide variety of applications - in nuclear power, defence, security, oil & gas, research and medical.
How do you find the facilities at Bury BusinessLodge?
First class. It’s so easy to be here. We love having a reception where visitors are required to sign in and all post and deliveries are handled in one place and the reception team are wonderfully accommodating with all our kit coming and going. It’s really easy to book and use the meeting rooms, which are ideal for visitors and groups. The new “Grab & Go” service is excellent and very convenient. Our office is always cleaned immaculately and we love this too! All of this adds up to the Business Lodge really helping us focus on the business of JCS. We don’t need to worry about anything else.
What do you think makes BusinessLodge different to other serviced offices?
We’ve never been a serviced office before but I’m pretty sure it will be down to the exceptional service and cheer the entire Business Lodge team provide. The facilities are great.
How do you find the team here?
Lovely. It’s the team who make residing in Europa House so hassle-free. Nothing is a problem.
Have you ever had to make a strange request to the team whilst you’ve been here?
Nothing too strange, yet!
Who’s your biggest inspiration?
Marie Curie. For many reasons, but most outstanding was her overwhelming vision, tenacity and courage. She was definitely one of the first women of science, and her discoveries (and sacrifice) have essentially enabled the rapid progression of cancer diagnoses and treatments that we all benefit from today. A true maverick and entrepreneur.
Lastly, if anyone wishes to find you as they think a chat could be beneficial, where could they find you?  
Suite 26! Drop by and say hello!
About the Author

Kathryn B

Member since: 30th May 2014

Being from Bury I'm always finding out new things about our town, it's people & what's going on. It's my job to be nosy! It means I can share lot's of info with you & when someone asks me "Do you know...

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