Another Fine Meeting to Kickstart the Day
19th October 2011
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Another fine meeting this morning at B4B, Whitefield group.

Networking for businesses is a must in this day and age and what better way than to meet with people that you know, like and trust on a regular basis.
My meeting this morning was another good one with some very good referrals being passed between members and a great 10 minute presentation.

For those of you who have not tried networking before it's a great opportunity to spread the word about your business, to effectively have your own little sales team out on the street, week in week out listening for little gems that could help you grow your business through a steady stream of new contacts. 
Each meeting that we hold is very informal but still with an agenda, which we stick to but it's not at all harsh. We give referrals because we want to help each other, we give testimonials because we want others to know about the great service our team members provide and we bring visitors to expand our connections.

It's a very friendly group, currently 14 members from different walks of life but all there for one reason - to grow our business.
Every member and guest have the opportunity to tell the room about their business in a 60 second presentation, tell them what they do and who are great contacts for them.  This often sparks a suggested good contact for that member enabling business to be passed in the contributions round at the end of the meeting.

One member each week also has the opportunity to showcase their business with a ten minute presentation.  This morning Peter of CostIt told us all how businesses could be saving money on their utilities and the beauty of this is that it doesn't cost the business a penny to do this, only saves them money in the long term!

All in all a successful meeting once again with a lovely visitor this morning, Dr Qureshi from Whitefield Dental Practise.

B4B meet every fortnight at Frankie and Benny's, Pilsworth. A full breakfast is included and the bonus is that the first meeting is absolutely FREE! We are always looking for new members to come along and visit - we also need more ladies! Interested in finding out more?  Give me, Kathryn a call on 01706 281320 and I'd be happy to tell you more about how this group could help you in your business and of course as it's one business per sector whether your category is available.

It would be great to see you!

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