Bluebird Care February Newsletter
17th February 2011
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The realistic alternative to residential care

Bury Carer's Centre

The Carer's Centre - based at Victoria Buildings on Silver Street in Bury - provides information, advice and support to to Carers and ensures their voices are heard. The Carer's Centre supports all carers in the borough and has a wide definition of the carer. It could be helping a family member or friend with every aspect of their life of "popping in" to help around the house or do their shopping. Carers can come from all walks of life and the Carer's Centre can help.

Contact them on 0161 763 4867

Living With Cerebral Palsy

The team at Bluebird Care was priviledged this month to hear from Sam, a young customer with cerebral palsy. Sam attended our team meeting, telling us of his hopes of becoming an advocate for cerebral palsy sufferers to explain that they are people not objects and showing us some of the films he has made about the things that are important to him.

You too can see the YouTube clips by logging on and searching for mrspam. They are very good.

Dignity In Care - Dignity Action Day

Dignity Action Day on 25th February gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to upholding people's rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for people receiving care. Dignity Action Day aims to ensure people in care are treated as individuals and are given choice, control and a sense of purpose in their daily lives and provide stimulating activities. Dignity Action Day asks everybody - members of the public and Health and Social Care staff to give the gift of time. We can all make a difference!

"It might well be that the difference people make individually is a mere ripple on the surface of our care system, but each of those ripples added together create a wave, a social movement and if this makes life better for someĀ  - then it has to be worthwhile" Sir Michael Parkinson, Dignity Champion

Supporting Dignity Action Day will:

  • Raise awareness of the importance of Dignity in Care
  • Provide someone with an extra special day
  • Remind society that the dignity of those in your community is not the sole responsibility of health or social care staff - everyone has a role to play
  • Remind the public that staff have a right to be treated with dignity and respect too
  • Be part of a national celebration and demonstrate solidarity for Dignity in Care

Awards for Staff

The secret of great service at Bluebird Care Bury is the quality of our staff and once again we are pleased to announce the winner of Care Worker of the Month award - in Decemeber it was Lauren Queen for her work with one of our younger customers.

December also marked the end of the second quarter since the introduction of the awards and the award for Care Worker of the Quarter was given to Anne Chadwick, our longest serving carer, who has provided an example for all our staff with her continued support of a number of our older customers.

Carer's Vouchers

We have been informed by Bury Council that the Carer's Vouchers arrangements will be replaced from 1st April 2011. However, the full details of the new scheme are still awaited. Rest assured we will let you know as soon as we are made aware of the changes.

Some Interesting Facts

We have just been reviewing our customer and staff numbers and spotted the following points:-

  • Over 55% of our customers are under the age of 60 and 1 in 5 are under 20; and
  • 34% of our care staff are under the age of 25. This compares to the average in the area of about 10% and indicates our intention to encourage younger people into the care sector by offering training and support that will provide a fulfilling role for the future.

Customer Forum

We are planning to hold a customer forum in the next couple of months to listen to your ideas on how we can improve our services to let you know about some of our future plans. All of our customers and their families will be invited together with other interested parties.

Once a date has been set we will let you know

And Finally

Do you know anyone who is not satisfied with their current home care provider or might be thinking that some help in the home would be useful, please put them in touch with us. There is no obligation on them: just an opportunity to meet Theresa or Joanne to discuss their needs and how Bluebird Care Bury can help. If you want a Bluebird Care leaflet to give to them please ask your care worker or get them to call the office and we will make sure they get a warm reception.

For more information about Bluebird Care please phone 0161 210 3746 or visit the feature here

About the Author

Isabella B

Member since: 11th April 2012

I'm Isabella, I live in Bury and I have an interest in all things local and current.

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