Bury BusinessLodge support the inaugural Bury Pride
10th May 2017
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In April Bury witnessed a first in the towns history, an event full of colour and fun - the first ever Bury Pride.

Bury BusinessLodge were proud to be supporting the event and had a fantastic day with the team.

BusinessLodge sponsored the Acoustic Room where there was a great atmosphere, everyone having an amazing time
whilst singing and dancing along to Mr Wilson's 2nd Liners and other great artists. People came from far and wide to enjoy the event, the weather was incredibly kind and the sun shone as brightly as the colours that drenched the streets f Bury.

The Rainbow Parade was well attended, groups from the LBGT and local businesses communities were consumed in the carnival atmosphere and there was a real buzz all over town. BusinessLodge were involved in the parade, where people lined the streets, watched and enjoyed by thousands of locals. They were proud to be part of what was a fantastic success for the town and the event's organisers.

BusinessLodge would like to thank David Caterall and his team at Bury Venues for all of their hard work and effort in making
the inaugural event such a huge success. They were delighted to be part of a fantastic day and hope that this event, the first of many will only go from strength to strength.

Here's to next year, a bigger event and one that will become firmly cemented into the town's calendar.

About the Author

Kathryn B

Member since: 30th May 2014

Being from Bury I'm always finding out new things about our town, it's people & what's going on. It's my job to be nosy! It means I can share lot's of info with you & when someone asks me "Do you know...

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