BusinessLodge Bury believe that your return to business should be stress free!
12th March 2021
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Covid19 has caused massive disruption in the lives of people right across the country not least the working population many of whom have seen their workplaces closed and many more have become ‘homeworkers’.

Thanks to the medical intervention by the NHS and the Government it is likely that people may soon be able to go back to their place of work and resume a more normal way of life. But how will we cope?


Even people who have not contracted Covid19 have been affected by the lockdown and it is widely expected, and more so by the medical profession, that mental health issues are likely to affect many of us for some time to come. Managing a safe and successful return to work requires understanding and empathy amongst team members and managements who can do a great deal to ease peoples transition from isolated homeworker (and teacher) to team player and skilled contributor to the workplace team.


The physical organisation of a workplace is important, welcoming, friendly working environments as is the case with BusinessLodge Bury make returning to work more comfortable and less challenging, replacing ones isolation with a renewal of social contact and friendships at work will help to ease the stress, no one likes a hostile and unpleasant workplace and in the 21st Century there is no justification for them.


Managing Covid19 protection will be made easier by firms conducting risk assessments to establish the level of intervention and care required which in turn will alleviate staff anxiety. A phased return and flexible working patterns so as to re-establish a proper work-life balance will also enable firms to get the best from their people. PPE, social distancing of workstations, frequently cleaned premises, easy access to hand-sanitiser will all play a part in reducing stress. In addition human empathy and concern by colleagues and managers can go a long way to easing people back and monitoring one another’s wellbeing and moral will help to spot people who may need help.


BusinessLodge Bury goes the extra mile in ensuring that people have a comfortable place in which to work, when normality returns there is a fitness suite, cafes and a great community spirit that may not be in place elsewhere making this a superb place in which to work and run a business.


Help your business and your staff return safely and prosper greatly with BusinessLodge Bury!





About the Author

Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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