Charity bike ride to the Lakes and home again.
2nd April 2014
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Well I've finally gone and done it!!!!!!!!!!

After nearly five years of commuting to and from work on my bike and some weekend riding and in addition to a few sessions on my turbo trainer I've finally dipped my toe into the world of charity bike rides. I've agreed to riding 200 miles in one weekend to raise money for a very, very worthy cause, The Joshua Wilson Brain Tumour Charity.

I've been aware of this charity for some time due mainly to the contact that my wife has with Joshua's mother Dawn through her work with The Best of Bury. When she mentioned that the foundation was to be the focus for this charity bike ride it seemed like the ideal opportunity to get involved to both raise some money and secondly realise an ambition to crack the goal of riding 100 miles in a day.

I have spoken to Peter the man tasked with organising both the route for the ride in addition to the accommodation, food planning and preparation and the transporting of our gear back from the Lakes after we have completed our ride. Initially my wife had told me that this was a bike ride of around 100 miles, which ticked a box for the reasons previously mentioned, however upon speaking to Peter it transpired that not only were we to ride 100 miles in a day but we would be riding 100 miles on consecutive days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was now becoming serious and one of my first thoughts was how the hell is my backside going to stand up to that amount of mileage in such a short space of time? Whilst these miles would mean nothing to the likes of Bradley Wiggins and Mark Cavendish to a weekend warrior approaching middle age this is serious mileage and would require a plan of action and lots more riding in the weeks to come.

So there we have it, 10 weeks to get myself into reasonable shape to cope with the rigours of riding 100 miles on consecutive days and hopefully raise as much money as I can for the Joshua Wilson Brain Tumour Charity #Super Josh.

I've planned some challenging routes, ordered some energy gels and am now contemplating the next two months watching my eating habits and drinking less wine...

A big ask but it WILL be worth it and very rewarding.
Watch this space for more tales of a weekend warrior training hard to get fit.

For anyone who would like to sponsor me for such a great cause follow this link

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