Common New Years's resolutions - which one is you?
19th December 2016
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Most people have a New Year's resolution. The build up to starting one can be quite interesting.....

"It won't matter if I have this tin of chocolates, I'm going to lose 3 stones in January", "just one last cigarette", "I'm going to join a gym" and the ever popular "I'm never drinking again!"  - sound familiar?

The funny thing is that come January, most people's resolutions are short lived and fall by the wayside in a matter of weeks, sometimes days!

So what are some of the most common New Years resolutions?

Lose weight

A resolution that every single one of us must hear from someone in late December / early January.
There are a number of ways to make this happen but many people find the majority of success comes when you join a one of the many slimming groups available. A support network of people going through what you are makes for a much easier transition to the healthier, lighter new you!


Join a gym

Regular gym goers must quake at the thought of January coming around. No longer can they use the equipment they so freely have access to all year round. The gym that they use week in, week out has suddenly turned into a boxing ring of people fighting to get on equipment they have no idea about and won't stay around long enough to find out. Come week 2 in January, that regular gym bunny can rest in the knowledge that normal service will be resumed quite quickly.
Village Hotel, Bury have two gyms, one mixed and one ladies, along with a fabulous pool and fitness classes for all abilities that can help you on your journey.

Quit smoking

A tough one for many, smoking is an addiction and one that's hard to break. Support is available in a number of places. From your own GP to the likes of your local pharmacy who will be on hand to support you every step of the way.

Prestwich Pharmacy can certainly help through their quit smoking clinic. Think of the money you could be saving!


Quit drinking

So who's heard it? "I'm never drinking again"
Yeah right is the cry....... until next weekend!
If you are serious about banishing the booze, fantastic. You'll feel a better, fresher you and your liver will probably thank you for it. 

Get a new job

Stuck in a job you don't enjoy? Many are and don't do anything to change it.
This could be a great resolution for you to make sure you change your life in 2017. Take the reins, get out there and find your new career. 

Get out of debt

Christmas is a time when many people get into debt for the sake of buying gifts for family and loved ones. To make an impression only for it to leave the wrong impression on your pockets is all to easy to do, but difficult to recover from.  Make 2017 a year to cut back on some of your luxuries and budget for the festive season.


Eat more healthily

The supermarkets will all be on the bandwagon come January 2nd. Healthy eating options and "lighter" choices
will be in abundance at the beginning of the year. Make a healthy life choice and look for fresh foods and cook them yourself. Ready meals are an easy option but not always quite what you believe they are.
Fresh products are full of nutrition and benefit to your health.
Start by increasing your fruit and veg consumption and cut out the snacks. Willis Bros, Bury Market, purchase their stock daily - you can't get much fresher.

Spend more time with the family - (the most important resolution of all)

We all lead such busy lives but think on. Life is precious, time is valuable, why would we not want to spend it with those we love the most?
Spending time creates special memories; create some, get off your mobile phone, put down your laptop and drag yourself away from the TV. They'll all still be there tomorrow. They're not as important as making memories that will last a lifetime. Go for a walk, visit somewhere new, take a trip to the cinema, visit extended family, the list is endless.
And, if a holiday is the best way to help you do that, just short term, speak to Lisa at Caribbean and Exotic Boutique Holidays, she's got a list of destinations to get you away from it all and allow you to focus on what matters.


Whatever your chosen resolution this year, we hope that you are successful and achieve your goals, both in your personal and work lives.  

Stay healthy and wise, the wealth may just follow.




About the Author

Kathryn B

Member since: 30th May 2014

Being from Bury I'm always finding out new things about our town, it's people & what's going on. It's my job to be nosy! It means I can share lot's of info with you & when someone asks me "Do you know...

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