Council Tax freeze as part of ‘triple lock’ deal for residents
26th February 2015
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Councillors in Bury agreed tonight (Wednesday 25 February) to freeze the Council Tax for next year as part of a ‘triple lock’ deal for Bury residents.

Members also agreed:

  • A one-off investment into general play area improvements funded from dividends the council has received from its investment in Manchester Airport (£250,000)
  • To implement a scheme to encourage inward investment into the borough by offering Business Rate reductions for new build schemes, prompting regeneration, jobs, and future income for the borough
  • Investment in local Welfare and Adult Care Services to ease pressure on Accident and Emergency (£250,000)
  • Capital investment of £1,500,000 in Prestwich town centre to supplement the £500,000 announced in last year’s budget; £500,000 of this will come from grants the council has managed to secure.

Council tenants also got good news:

  • Housing rents are to be frozen at current levels for next year (including garage rents);
  • Heating charges in sheltered accommodation will be reduced by 5%
  • Other charges will increase between 0% and 2.2% with protection arrangements in place to ensure any increases are capped at this level
  • An additional £250,000 will be invested in play areas, street lighting and other environmental improvements on council-owned housing estates.

At tonight’s meeting, councillors also approved cuts totalling £15.8 million in order to set a legal and balanced budget for 2015/16.

Councillor Mike Connolly, leader of the council and cabinet member for finance, said: “We know how Bury residents continue to suffer in these uncertain economic times, so despite having to make huge cuts to our budgets, we feel we need offer the tax payers and tenants of Bury some support.

“Coupled with freezes in the Police and Fire Service elements of the Council Tax, this will be a true cash freeze for residents.

“We have had to make some radical changes to the way we deliver a number of our key services, but in doing so we hope we have maintained the outcomes that residents value.

“This year the Government has slashed the money we receive by more than 14%, and we fear similar cuts in years to come

“We will continue to fight for a “Fair Deal” for Bury residents who receive £330 of Government funding per head, compared to a national average of £385. Funding at the national level would give us an extra £10 million to deliver the services that Bury residents deserve.

“So far our campaign has fallen on deaf ears with the Government who, despite numerous requests, have only offered meetings with junior ministers and have suggested that no change will be made to the funding formula.

“The additional investment in Prestwich, and work we have already undertaken in Radcliffe, highlights the council’s commitment to borough-wide regeneration, and is a vital part of the council’s Bury Investing in Growth (BIG) strategy.”

Councillor Rishi Shori, deputy leader of the council and cabinet member for health and wellbeing, added: “I am particularly pleased with the announcements we have made for council tenants, which builds upon the £12.4 million additional investment we announced in last year’s budget. It means we can offer homes above the national decency standard at rents that offer value for money to tenants, at a time when private sector housing is beyond the reach of many families.”

About the Author

Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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