Digital Growth Overview - Thursday 27th February, Red Hall Hotel
14th February 2014
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Thursday 27th Feb 2014,  10.00am – 2.00pm, Red Hall Hotel

The Digital Growth programme enables your company to benefit from the opportunities that digital technology and the wider infrastructure have to offer.

The Hub provides one-to-one support with a digital specialist alongside a coordinated programme of events and specialist workshops that highlight the opportunities digital technology offers your business. This programme will help you adapt your business model to maximise the benefits from the take up and exploitation of cloud and other technologies.

Come along to the Digital Growth Overview on Thursday 27th February at Red Hall Hotel, Bury to hear in detail what the programme can offer you, find out where your business currently sits by completing your own company diagnostic and hear about the specialist master classes you can attend for free.

Benefits of attending

  • Find out how the funded Digital Growth Service can improve your processes and help you grow
  • Complete a digital diagnostic on your business, assessing areas of support required to address  your specific needs
  • Find out more information on attending free specialist master classes
  • Start your journey on the Digital Growth programme, tailoring the support you receive to your individual business needs


10.00am  Registration, tea and coffee

10.30am  Meeting commences

2.00pm  Meeting closes

To book your place please contact the Business Growth Hub team on 0161 359 3050

About the Author

Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

Need a trusted local supplier of goods or services? Look no further! I'm Faz Patel and It's my mission to support local business owners, provide great opportunities for increased visibility and help them...

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