East ward councillor Mike Connolly to be next Mayor of Bury
20th January 2016
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East ward councillor Mike Connolly has been proposed as the next Mayor of Bury for the year 2016/17.

Cllr Connolly has been leader of the council since 2011, and will take over the chains of office from fellow East councillor Stella Smith.

The decision was made by councillors at Wednesday’s (13 Jan) cabinet meeting, and will be ratified at the council’s annual meeting in May.

Cllr Connolly (aged 64) is a former head teacher and has represented East ward since 1994. He will stand down as council leader once he becomes mayor, and his partner Ian Hargreaves will be the mayor’s consort.

He has served in nearly all senior positions on Bury Council, and has several important regional roles including being the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s lead on police and crime matters and civil contingencies. He also serves on the Local Government Association’s safer and secure communities board.

“As a Bury man born and bred, it’s a huge honour to be chosen to become mayor of my hometown,” he said.

“Bury is a fantastic borough and I’m looking forward immensely to being its ‘ambassador’. I will do everything in my power to live up to the responsibility that has been placed in me.”

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Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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