Get to know Petra, the newest member of staff at Bury Business Lodge!
21st March 2019
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Hi Petra! Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you did before you joined the BusinessLodge
Hi! My name is Petra, but my friends call me Pet. I am originally from the Czech Republic and I moved to
the UK in 2012. I have two beautiful boys Tybalt and Oliver – they are cats, don’t worry I wouldn’t
call my son Tybalt.
Before I joined BusinessLodge I worked for 3 years as a Salon Coordinator at Antony’s Hair Salon. It is
a lovely busy salon in Bury with a lot of talented people. In August, I decided to venture to
Manchester and worked for a business incubator called Eagle Labs. I soon realised that it was not
worth it as I spent nearly 2.5 hours travelling every day and decided to come back to Bury. So here at
BusinessLodge I do an amazing 8am – 1pm every day and in the afternoons and weekends I run my
own business - lash extensions and makeup.
What do you love most about your new job?
I have to say it is definitely the team. Everyone is so lovely, and it feels like I have been here for
months, not just a few weeks. It is very rare to find a work place where everyone looks after each
other as much as here.
What job do you think you would be terrible at?

An air hostess! I am terrified of flying! Unfortunately, because my family is still in the Czech Republic, I
have to fly a few times a year and it is always so stressful for me. But a couple of gin & tonics at the
airport makes it a bit better.
If you didn’t have to sleep, how would you spend the extra time?
Well, this is a really funny question to ask me because I love my sleep! My husband calls me a ‘Nap
Queen’ because I could literally get up in the morning, have breakfast, move to the sofa and have a nap. So no thank you, I DO have to sleep.
What is your favourite film?
Dangerous Liaisons with John Malkovich – it is the original adaptation of Cruel Intentions (also one of
my favourite films). If you haven’t seen it, please watch it!
What is the luckiest thing to have happened to you?
I know this is going to sound like a super cliché, but it was meeting my husband. He went to study in
Czech Republic for 6 months to the same university I did at that time. But there were so many little
things that could have gone a different way and if it wasn’t for him, I would probably still be in Brno
(my home town) instead of England.
Is there a fad or trend you hope comes back?
As a make-up artist, I have to follow fashion and trends, and sometimes it makes me sad watching
where it is all going. I hope women will realise they don’t need tons of makeup, Botox and fake
everything to be beautiful. At the end of the day, a woman is the most beautiful when she is happy.
So definitely I would say it is the ‘back to natural beauty’.
What is your favourite time of year?
Christmas! And I love winter in general - especially when it snows. But there is something beautiful
about every season.
And finally, if you could master any skill, what would it be?
I would love to learn to play the piano. My husband actually got me a keyboard for Christmas, so it is on
my list!

About the Author

Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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