Grow Your Mindset offer Top Tips to Develop Your Perspective Skills.
2nd December 2022
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Grow Your Mindset is the business established by Liz and Gemma who are passionate about helping people to reach their personal growth aims and create a better version of themselves.


Grow Your Mindset offer Top Tips to get your started if you want to improve your perspective skills:

  1. Reframe your thoughts – your brain will always look out for the negative first to keep you safe, but usually with a little logical and rational thinking, you can see that you aren’t really in danger. Also, rather than seeing things as a daily chore, “I have to,” see gratitude in these tasks, “I get to.”
  2. Recite a positive inner dialogue. Choose an uplifting affirmation to start your day. Change that inner critic to an inner coach.
  3. View situations from a different perspective. Put yourself in the other persons shoes. Really hear them, see them, feel what they’re feeling and see how this could be different for them than it is for you.
  4. Think from a macro level. Don’t sweat the small stuff – look at things that are REALLY important and are going to affect you greatly. These are the things we really need to focus our time and energy on.
  5. Remove negativity from your life. If something sets your negativity bell off, then remove yourself from it and see what a difference it makes, e.g., the news, newspapers, radio, even an infamous celebrity TV programme in the jungle! Similarly, we can choose where to spend our time e.g., with your nearest and dearest. It’s easy to get sucked in by mood-hoovers, so can you minimise your time with these people?
  6. Take care of your body. Exercise, diet and sleep are key factors here. Where can you change and improve?
  7. Perform a good deed. Doing a random act of kindness for no reward is surprisingly rewarding emotionally. It doesn’t have to be mammoth, small things count. We were born to help others, it’s our tribal instinct and it’s amazing how much pleasure we can get from this.

Grow Your Mindset offer training and bespoke programmes that cover a vast range of areas including language use, zones of learning, resilience training, metacognition, collaborative learning, team building, mental health and employee engagement. Grow Your Mindset programmes are changing constantly to adapt to what each client/customer requires.

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About the Author

Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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