Half a stone down, one and a half to go!!
26th November 2012
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Week 4!

Well I officially start week number four today of my weight loss programme and sponsored slim.
I was a bit sceptical to begin with as to whether I would be able to do it alone but, I have so far succeeded - and better still I don't feel as though I have deprived myself one little bit!

It's something that I have needed to do for a long time - I'm awfully overweight so when I decided, I got myself into the zone and just went for it - I know it's easier said than done as I've been there so many times before....... and failed miserably, giving up after just 2 weeks.

This time I am doing it for a great local cause - Bury Cancer Support Centre. They do wonderful work locally and what I've found out since starting my sponsored slim is that there are a great number of people within my network that have had cause to use the centre over the last few years so I'm really pleased that I chose them!

I'm currently at about £230 in sponsorship and counting so it's spurring me on all the more as I will be letting too many people down if I don't reach my target!

Iv'e set myself what I believe is a sensible and steady challenge - to lose 2 stones by the end of March. Bearing in mind we have Christmas in the middle! If you can't indulge a little at Christmas then when can you?
It will still be everything in moderation though :-)

So - how much have I lost????
I'm really pleased with what Iv'e achieved so far - half a stone in 3 weeks.
And, i've still had my roast dinner (including roasties and Yorkshire pudding) washed down with a wine or two - like I said, I've not deprived myself.
I've just stopped picking in between, not had bread and learned to say no to certain things.
It's working well and I already feel so much better in myself for doing it.
Once those trousers start getting looser and you start to see results it makes it all worthwhile!

If you fancy sponsoring me you can visit my just giving page here - it's for a great cause and very much appreciated.

Here's to the next half stone!!

About the Author

Kathryn B

Member since: 30th May 2014

Being from Bury I'm always finding out new things about our town, it's people & what's going on. It's my job to be nosy! It means I can share lot's of info with you & when someone asks me "Do you know...

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