Tears over lunch...
16th May 2016
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There I was sat in a pub having a spot of lunch and doing the regular people watching; we all do it don't we? I noticed a large table with a happy family sat around, three generations by the looks of things, all there having a lovely chat and the children having fun.

Around the restaurant were people of all ages, mainly in couples, a few in parties of more.  A family came in with a baby in a pram and sat close by and it was then I noticed a lone man sat behind my husband.
The man looked deep in thought, he too was people watching. His gaze was somewhat different.

This was the point that my sensitive side came through. To be honest I wanted nothing more to go and sit and talk with him but he'd probably have thought I was a bit odd, so I kept my distance and my thoughts to myself.

I may have been over thinking the situation but I couldn't help but imagine that he was possibly widowed, he stared longingly at the families around the room. Maybe he had once had such a family life, maybe his family had long since flown the nest, maybe his children had moved away, maybe he was lonely.

I could have been completely wrong.
Rightly or wrongly, my thoughts ran away with me and I couldn't hold back the tears. Sat there in the middle of a rather large pub surrounded by many people, I became a bit of a jibbering wreck. The man finished his drink and off he went, totally unaware.

I was very close to leaving my husband and son to ask about his day but I didn't have the courage.  I sort of wish that I had made that one small gesture.  

Of course I may have read the whole situation completely wrong; I will never know.

It got me thinking once again about becoming involved with a befriending service. There must be so many people out there that would be so very appreciative of a little company from time to time, someone to share their stories with, someone to listen.
Sometimes those small gestures we make can make a huge difference in a person's life. Something that costs no more than a little time out of your day, even once a week. What is an hour?
When it comes to compassion and making a difference, an hour is insignificant.

Should I choose to continue my journey, and I hope that I do, I will let you know how it feels.
I just hope that I can keep my emotions to myself!

About the Author

Kathryn B

Member since: 30th May 2014

Being from Bury I'm always finding out new things about our town, it's people & what's going on. It's my job to be nosy! It means I can share lot's of info with you & when someone asks me "Do you know...

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