In the Know - Emma Debono at Bury BusinessLodge
27th May 2015
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This month we are introducing Emma Debono, Operations Assistant from Bury BusinessLodge as she reveals her day-to-day tasks, SECRET CRUSH and regular charity work.

Emma Debono has worked for Bury BusinessLodge, a local business centre, for nearly a year. Her role encompasses all aspects of help, from covering reception to setting up the telecommunications in each office, and even assisting in the kitchen.

Emma, 32 and from Heywood, admits that she can do ‘anything’, dedicating her role to ensure that the clients’ needs are always catered for at Bury BusinessLodge. Although she hasn’t actually been working at this local business centre for that long, Emma is already a popular member of the team and has built significant relationships with each company within the centre. This is probably due to her previous experience in hospitality, as before she joined BusinessLodge, Emma actually worked as a chef in a hotel for 16 years.  

Emma describes herself as an ‘open book’, stating that there’s not much people don’t know about her before informing us about what she does in her spare time. Emma is a volunteer at Ramsbottom United Football Club where she feeds and waters the hungry supporters, see - she’s always helping somebody!

Now for the informal questions!...

Secret crush?

"My secret crush is Tony Flood, the beautiful man (shhhh don’t him, hehe). Jose Mourinho is my real secret crush, the silver fox!"

Tony is the handyman at Bury BusinessLodge!

Most memorable time of your life?

"One of the most memorable  times of my life was when two friends & I decided on New Year’s Day to jump in the car and drive to Dover. We jumped on a ferry and travelled to Paris through Belgium to Amsterdam. We had a great time - no planning - just totally spontaneous whilst staying in random hostels and hotels on the way."

It's clear that Emma loves her job as she gushes about her fellow co-workers: “My work colleagues are amazing. They have made me feel so welcome over the past 9 months.”

Bury BusinessLodge provides fully-furnished and instantly available serviced office space with flexible lease lengths. For more information on this local business centre, click here.

About the Author

Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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