It's a clear and simple message - DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE
21st December 2012
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Thanks to Heather at Bury Family Life for this article.

Do you know how?

The majority of drivers aged 17 to 24 do not know the legal drink drive limit in the UK, new research has revealed. Almost 80% of the 1000 young drivers questioned by Red Driving School failed to identify the drink drive limit in the UK.

The research also showed that a third of young people have witnessed their parents drink and drive, and that one in five says they never plan to drink and drive but sometimes it just happens, such as during the morning after.

Talking about the Think! Christmas drink drive Campaign, ACPO roads policing lead, Deputy Chief Constable Suzette Davenport, said “Last year, drivers aged between 20 and 24 failed more breath tests than any other age group.”

But drink drive problems are not limited to youngsters “There are some drivers who think they are obeying the law but are in fact breaking it by getting into their cars the morning after a night of drinking.

“People may be surprised to hear that last year between the hours of 6am and 11am more than 400 people failed breath tests (or refused to provide a specimen), which is more than those caught for the hour before or after midnight.

“Drivers need to be aware that regardless of the time of day they are caught, whether they are going to work or taking children to school, they will face the same penalties as someone who has chosen to drink heavily in a pub and driven at night.

“Last year 280 people were killed in accidents where the driver was over the limit. Our message is clear: Do not let a selfish decision ruin your life or someone else’s.”

Regardless of the age group involved, the majority of accidents are caused by people who don’t realise what the limits are.

The drink drive limit

There are strict alcohol limits for drivers, but it is impossible to say exactly how many drinks this equals – it is different for each person.

The legal alcohol limit for drivers in the UK is:

  • 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath
  • 80 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood
  • 107 milligrammes of alcohol per 100 millimetres of urine

Staying safe

Time is the only way to get alcohol out of your system

You could be over the legal limit many hours after your last drink, even if it’s the ‘morning after’. Sleep, coffee and cold showers don’t help to sober you up.

There is no excuse for drink driving

“I can handle my drink.”

Alcohol affects everybody’s driving for the worse. It creates a feeling of overconfidence, makes judging distance and speed more difficult and slows your reactions so it takes longer to stop.

“I’m only going down the road.”

A large proportion of all drink drive crashes occur within three miles of the start of the journey.

If you’re planning to drink alcohol, plan how to get home without driving

Options include agreeing on a designated driver, saving a taxi number to your phone, or finding out about public transport routes and times before you go out.

Don’t offer an alcoholic drink to someone you know is planning to drive

Even if you’re not driving, you can help reduce the number of people who are killed and injured every year by drink driving.

Don’t accept a lift from a driver you know has drunk alcohol

ACPO Think don’t drive this Christmas
Direct Gov Think!

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Kathryn B

Member since: 30th May 2014

Being from Bury I'm always finding out new things about our town, it's people & what's going on. It's my job to be nosy! It means I can share lot's of info with you & when someone asks me "Do you know...

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