Learning to drive just got a whole lot cheaper
6th October 2017
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Yes you read that correctly learning to drive is about to get cheaper and become a whole lot quicker process.

 Why I here you say,

Well it’s all to do with the new driving test that comes into operation on the 4th December and the changes that are about to take place.


If you are already a full licence holder and lucky enough to have already passed your driving test, think back what manoeuvres did you have to practice to infinity with your driving instructor. How often did you lose the will to live reversing around corners just in case it came up on your driving test, because let’s be realistic who does it to that standard afterwards? Definitely not me.

Well the good news is from the 4th of December you will no longer be asked to carry out a pointless manoeuvre that just doesn’t happen in 21st Century driving and rest assured we won’t be teaching it any more (We will make sure you can turn the car around safely in any given situation, but different from what the current test asks).

So, it’s actually true !!! learning to drive and getting your driving licence is going to get cheaper, because you won’t be wasting any time on lessons trying to reverse around a corner. I think a rough estimate would be that 4-5 lessons can be wasted just to practice the left corner reverse and with that I am being conservative.

At Get Driving Today we don’t like you wasting any money so be assured you will only be practicing things will benefit your driving and not just something that might happen on your driving test.


If you or someone you know is thinking of learning to drive in 2018, who maybe has put off learning to drive because of cost or its too complicated, send them this article and tell them to get in touch 0161 956 8807

Keep your eye out for the second article in this small series of blog posts detailing how it’s now easier and cheaper when learning to drive.

Drive Safely (Graham Owner Get Driving Today)


About the Author

Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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