Local businesses warned to stay on their guard as spate of burglaries take place in town.
21st November 2016
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Over the last week a number of business properties in Bury town centre have been the target of thieves. The burglaries appear to be directed at those premises that have computing equipment and high end systems, although when in the premises, this hasn't been restricted to just such items.

Please be on your guard, be vigilant and ensure that every measure is taken into account when locking your premises at night, warn your teams and ensure that your alarms are in perfect working order.

It would appear that this may be a group of people working together and a group that is certainly monitoring the movements of staff and premises.

Stay safe and take care.




About the Author

Kathryn B

Member since: 30th May 2014

Being from Bury I'm always finding out new things about our town, it's people & what's going on. It's my job to be nosy! It means I can share lot's of info with you & when someone asks me "Do you know...

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