Meet Juliette, Centre Manager at Bury Business Lodge
19th April 2016
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We love our office here at Bury BusinessLodge, and we love the team who work here too! So naturally, we thought we would showcase the amazing work that they do by speaking to Juliette Davenport, Centre Manager here at Bury BusinessLodge.

Juliette has worked at the BusinessLodge for 7 years, having lived in Cyprus for 5 years. Upon returning, she was looking for a job which would benefit from her background in sales, which resulted in her role here at Bury BusinessLodge! 


“I wanted a job which incorporated the skills required for sales, one that was client facing and involved a lot of customer care. Once you understand the product you soon become passionate about it and you really do want to do a good job. For me, it’s fantastic that I’m so close to home – having two kids often means that I need to be flexible, and if I need to rush home for any reason, I can be there and back in less than an hour!”

So what does a day in the life of a Centre Manager looks like?

“I tend to get here for 9am, check my emails and diary to see what’s going on, before heading into a meeting – which could be anything from health and safety training, sales viewings, or maintaining visual standards for tours. There are often meetings with suppliers, or the maintenance guys might need some assistance, so I need to make sure I'm around to lend a hand. 

“Every day is different, the role is extremely reactive and you’re not always sure what you’re coming into of a morning! For example, one recent Sunday, a client was locked out of their office at 8:30 in the morning so I had to get up and let him in! It’s truly a 24/7 kind of job.”

There’s over 70 businesses here at Bury BusinessLodge, with such a huge range of businesses! Some of the clients have around 120 staff, whereas there are others who are one man bands, or share an office with another business.

“I think that BusinessLodge stands out because we will work with a business to adapt to their needs. My key piece of advice for businesses looking at a new office is to not start too big- grow organically and we will work with you when you need to expand or downsize. We’re also extremely passionate about all of our clients, we have fantastic USPs with the on-site gym, car park and the café, but I truly think that the atmosphere and community spirit here makes all the difference.”

With each and every business facing their own challenges, is there anything you find challenging about your job?

“I think seeing businesses who struggle with the constantly shifting economic climate is the most challenging part of the job. We will always do our best to work with a business’ budget but there’s only so far we can help – so it is very sad to see people leave! They’ve often become our friends and we all get very sad to see them go.”

The BusinessLodge is fantastic as it is, but what goals are you looking towards in the future?

We want to continue increasing our occupancy, our next aim is to fill up Minerva House! There’s currently only one business rattling around in there – which I think they secretly like, but that can’t last forever!

If there was one business in all the world you’d love to move into Bury BusinessLodge, which would it be?

Now that’s a good question! A huge travel agent would be nice, someone who could provide us with amazing discounts and send me away to beautiful resorts to review them. Either that or a winery! In all seriousness though, every single one of our businesses are fantastic and we love having them here. 

If you are looking for a new office, or would like to learn more about the services Bury BusinessLodge provides, get in touch using the blue box below!

About the Author

Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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