Meet Mike - Operations Assistant at Bury BusinessLodge
26th July 2016
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We love the team here at Bury BusinessLodge, they’re always ready to drop everything and help you out, whether the internet connection has dropped or you just need a hand shifting your furniture around!

In fact, we think they’re so great that we want to introduce you, the Bury Community, to them! Whether you’re a business considering a new office space or you’ve seen the team around and about, we’ve already interviewed Centre Manager Juliette Davenport (you can read her interview here), and now we’re chatting with the Operations Assistant, Michael Crossley!


(Who has a brilliant sense of humour as you can probably tell from the picture he chose to use for his profile!)

Michael previously worked in the catering industry (so he’d absolutely excel on Come Dine With Me!) and before that was a website designer, so his technical skills combined with his customer service know-how means he’s our go to guy when we’re absolutely bamboozled by techno-jargon.

We asked Michael to describe, in his own words, his role here at BusinessLodge (because believe it or not, he’s not just at our beck and call!):

I work here as an Operations Assistant, after hearing about the role from my colleague Emma, and this covers anything from supporting clients with their technical questions, setting up and connecting client offices to looking after BusinessLodge Health & Safety. Sometimes I’ve also been known to cover shifts on reception!

 What does a day in the life of an Ops assistant look like?

I start work at 8:30am and it’s all systems go straight away! To begin with I could be setting up connections for new clients moving in to one of the offices, ensuring that all their equipment is set up and ready to go for when they move in. There would be nothing worse than starting day 1 of your business at BusinessLodge and not knowing the WiFi code! I might then be onto resolving internet/telephone problems, before being whisked away to help Tony to move furniture… It really does change day to day!

What’s your favourite thing about working at BusinessLodge?

My favourite thing about working at BusinessLodge has to be that no two days are the same, there is always a new challenge – every day is a school day!

What’s the most challenging part of your job?

The most challenging part of my job is giving interviews to pesky copywriters! I’m in high demand, don’t you know?

(He’s not joking… I am a pest! A likeable one, I hope.)

Why do you think businesses benefit from working out of Bury?

Working out of Bury has many benefits. Bury is easy accessible, with a great public transport service and the town is thriving. There’s a huge shopping centre, fantastic restaurants where businesses can wine and dine clients, and plenty to do out of work hours. For companies working in and around Bury, there’s also some really good networking groups available – a few of which are held here at BusinessLodge!

And now for my favourite question… If you could choose any type of business to work with at BusinessLodge, who (or what) would it be?

If I could choose any company, I would love it to be a company that allows me to learn something new. I like to learn new things – whether that’s understanding new technology or developing new skills.

So that’s Mike, Ops Assistant here at Bury Business Lodge… Who do you think our roving reporter should be interviewing next?! Click the blue box below to visit BusinessLodge’s feature over on thebestofbury, where you can check out some of the great offers they have available and learn more about their great facilities. 

About the Author

Cheryl J

Member since: 29th March 2016

I'm a Business Development Manager for thebestofbury, feel free to say hello and let me know if you're organising any events in the Bury community!

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