Social Media Seminar with Jist, Red Hall Hotel, Bury
29th September 2010
... Comments

14th October, 9.30am - 12.30pm, Red Hall Hotel

You've been invited to LinkedIn by a colleague, you have a personal account on Facebook and you've heard about Twitter... BUT how can we use these free resources to reach up to 675 million prospective customers!? Jist will guide you through what the most common Social Media sites are and who is using them in this two and a half hour training session. The session will also discuss how you can use these resources most effectively, communicating with an audience of over 675 million consumers and businesses globally.

"We wanted to learn more about Social Media and how it could further help our business. We went along to one of Jon's seminars in Manchester and found it really useful and we have definitely benefited as a business since implementing the things discussed." Adam Hindle,

Special Offers - 2 hour one-to-one usually £99, delegate price £49! Social Media Setup Package usual price £135, delegate price £85!

To register please contact us on 0161 452 7034 or send an email to

About the Author

Isabella B

Member since: 11th April 2012

I'm Isabella, I live in Bury and I have an interest in all things local and current.

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