Square Peg Associates are the north west's leading recruitment consultancy. The team have a wealth of experience so can give you the best possible advice on finding the right role for you, within the right business.
Square Peg are a recruitment consultancy with a difference - they understand that one size oes not fit all.
Having Square Peg Associates on your side means you can focus on doing what you do best and leave them to find the perfect candidate for your business.
This year at the Made in Bury Business Awards, Square Peg will be sponsoring The Square Peg Associates Businesswoman of The Year Award! It's fantastic to see our members supporting local businesses in the awards and we are delighted that they want join in recognising and rewarding the other businesses in Bury, both large and small.
The awards are an opportunity to reward businesses from all sectors. This year we will be celebrating the MIBBAs for the 7th year running...we can't wait to give back to Bury's business community and we would like say a huge thank you to Square Peg Associates for once again sponsoring the Businesswoman of The Year Award...we can't wait to see you all at this years' awards!
Need a trusted local supplier of goods or services? Look no further! I'm Faz Patel and It's my mission to support local business owners, provide great opportunities for increased visibility and help them...
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