The history of the spring clean!
27th March 2015
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As soon as the nights are lighter and the sun is shining, all we can think about is spring. Hand in hand with daffodils and bunnies, is that seasonal clean.  Many start to collect all of their possessions for the weekly car boot, some redecorate and others just clean. With later work hours, children to look after and even just socialising, it can be hard to fit in time for a comprehensive clean but... where did it come from?

The history of the spring clean

There are a number of ideas as to where the history of spring cleaning has stemmed from. In some countries, it is believed that the Chinese used to carry out housework to rid their properties of bad idealisms and misfortune.  Spring cleaning is also thought to have originated from the Passover. Jews considered having leavened bread in their homes symbolic to being ungrateful to God, which subsequently led to them searching and cleaning their homes to rid of any crumbs.

Wherever it has come from, it is still as popular as ever to carry out a spring clean of your home as one way to say bye-bye to winter and look forward to what the next few months have in store. If you don’t want to spend all those lighter afternoons with your head in the dishwasher or spraying bleach down the toilet, contact Brightway Cleaning.

Brightway Cleaning can carry out all those jobs that you don't have time for. Whether it's removing the dust and cobwebs from every room, cleaning the windows, carpets or just general home help, the fully-trained and trustworthy cleaners will work hard to ensure each job is finished to the client's satisfaction. With the sun shining, there’s nothing better than coming home to a tidy, neat home, allowing you to enjoy the lighter evenings with your family and not carrying out those laborious tasks!

Brightway Cleaning can tailor each package to suit your individual requirements; one-off or regular cleans are available.  For more information on this local business, visit the feature below.

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Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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