The Made in Bury Awards – a fantastic afternoon with the cream of Bury’s business community
28th November 2013
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I was privileged to be invited to attend the Made in Bury Awards last Friday.  I have to say it was a fantastic event and awards should now be given to everyone involved in making it such a glorious success.

What a turnout! The Longfield Suite in Prestwich was filled to capacity, with so many people from businesses in Bury.  It was amazing to see people from such a wide range of industries and services, from sole traders, many in the early stages on the business ladder; right through to large established local businesses with global trade networks.  And most importantly everyone was so proud of their Bury heritage. 

You may think that a business awards for a small town like Bury would be a quaint affair, but no; the organisers and sponsors pulled out all the stops to make this the event of the year.  The event firmly established The Made in Bury Awards as the prestigious local award that the winners can now proudly display to their customers and colleagues.

In keeping with one of the essential business ethics to support the youth of Bury; teams of catering and photography students from Bury College were given the opportunity to earn some invaluable work experience during the day, at a very responsible and important level too. They worked around the room taking all the photos of the event, the guests and the award winners too; and provided impeccable silver service ensuring the meal was served to all 300+ guests in a swift ordered manner. 

The live twitter feed provided by Pennine Telecom in the run up to the presentations, was a brilliant idea.  So many guests were actively tweeting and people who weren’t able to make it were keeping in touch and joining in too.  All adding to the anticipation and excitement in the lead up to the announcements

Ian Lavin and his magician colleagues worked the room, leaving every table amazed and bemused. Just how did he do it?  Just how did I come to think of the 8 of clubs?

The Awards themselves ran so well, it just showed how well it was organised. Thanks to RRG for starting the ‘I went to market and I bought…. ‘ theme. Which most of the proceeding presenters and winners added to with a cheeky plug for their business.  I can’t remember the entire stream, but it included buying a car, getting a new garage door to secure it behind, a new home, a solicitor, and loads more ending with Phil giving The Best of Bury a plug too.  And why not! 

I found myself getting so engrossed in the anticipation and elation of each award being announced and presented, especially those who I’ve come to know well during the short time that my business has been trading.

So all in all The Made In Bury Awards last Friday was an overwhelming success and an event that I’m proud to have attended.  Here’s to next year and may there be many more to follow. 

For more information please visit

Blog written by Julia Page our very own Virtual Assistant and BestofBury member from AdminAnywhere.

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Faz Patel

Member since: 10th July 2012

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