The people behind the business - Natasha, Bury BusinessLodge
27th July 2018
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In our latest "people behind the business" blog I spoke with Natasha who works on reception at Europa House in Bury BusinessLodge.  

It's safe to say that you can't judge a book by its cover.  What an interesting life she's had to date......

Let’s start with the basic stuff……….. tell us a bit about yourself and what you did before you joined the team at Bury BusinessLodge?

Not really sure where I begin, I have spent the past few years travelling the world visiting places such as Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Nepal, India, Bali and Australia. Whilst doing this I have worked in the maddest places, some examples being, in the middle of the outback on a cattle farm/roadhouse and on a dive boat on the middle of the Great Barrier Reef and I have recently just started working towards my own business, ‘Still Fabulous’ buying and selling designer clothes.

Tell us something that nobody knows about you – we won’t tell!

It’s a secret, hence why nobody knows it ;)

What do you like to do in your spare time?

When it’s sunny I love to go scuba diving, I have my advanced open water and my nitrox, diving with sharks being my all-time favourite dives! Obviously this isn’t always accessible so I have to come up with other ways to entertain myself. I love drawing, using watercolours in particular so I put this habit to good use and tend to paint friends and family little cards. I also read a lot and could watch re-runs of Friends over and over and over again.

Is there a certain person that you aspire to in life?

When asked this question I never really know what to say, I don’t think that I can say I aspire to anyone because everybody is so different. If I had to pick someone who I think has made an extremely wonderful life for themselves it would David Attenborough. He has spent his entire life travelling around the world bringing back knowledge from wherever he goes. He has seen some amazing things and met the most interesting people along the way.

What’s your favourite holiday destination and why?

Anywhere that I haven’t been to yet! The Philippines is on my list to visit next.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Cubes of unidentified animal fat from a Vietnamese family whilst staying in a home stay as I was trekking round the Himalayas.

What do you love most about your new job?

All of the different types of lovely people that I now inadvertently work with.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to have successfully built up my fashion business so that I can leave it to run itself, then I want to move somewhere hot where I can scuba dive to my heart’s content and open a chilled, bohemian themed cocktail bar on the beach!

Is there anything you wish I had asked you but didn’t?

No, I think you covered all bases :-)

About the Author

Kathryn B

Member since: 30th May 2014

Being from Bury I'm always finding out new things about our town, it's people & what's going on. It's my job to be nosy! It means I can share lot's of info with you & when someone asks me "Do you know...

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