Update on Steve's Huge Cycling Challenge
28th May 2010
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Steve has now been on the road for 183 hours! This massive undertaking was started at 4am, pedalling furiously to reach the first stop at Milton Keynes, where he received some brilliant news. After 11 months in the saddle, best friend Bjorn has now entered the final phase of his challenge, crossing the border into World Cup territory, South Africa! This has been an inpiration for Steve and a source of encouragement as he continues with his journey to visit all 92 football league clubs in England and Wales.

Also whilst in Milton Keynes, Steve met a great supporter of The Shirt 2010 project, Dean "Warrior Coach" Grimshaw for some serious training! This coaching is only for those who want to succeed and hopefully it will get Steve to all 92 clubs over his 3,00 mile journey. I feel sure that this will help when the going gets tough!

Moving on to London, Steve was delighted to see his friend Enfield Rob, who "eats, breathes and sleeps" football and has visited the majority of the 92 clubs himself, not to mention hundreds of amateur and semi-pro grounds too. Rob has also been out to coach refugees in Rwanda.The good news kept flowing, as Steve was presented with a shirt from Futsal Enfield too, which will be flying proudly in the South African breeze.

To read more about Steve's amazing challenge please visit www.theshirt2010.co.uk

About the Author

Isabella B

Member since: 11th April 2012

I'm Isabella, I live in Bury and I have an interest in all things local and current.

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