Charity Netwalking Event for Professionals
  • 8 Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook, Bury
    BL0 9TD
Netwalking is a unique networking concept that provides uninterrupted 'talk time' with like-minded business people, all whilst surrounded by inspirational landscapes.

Netwalking allows you to chat with fellow professionals, time to think, reflect, bounce ideas and develop business relationships. Join us for a walk in the beautiful countryside led by The Sunnywood Project. Lunch will be provided on the walk. There are no set agendas, just a great walk in beautiful countryside that allows you time to think, reflect, chat, bounce ideas and develop business relationships. We do hope you can join us in supporting Bury Hospice and Burnley FC in the Community.

Future dates
  • Friday 20th June, 9:30am
  • Friday 19th September, 9:30am
  • Friday 5th December, 9:30am
* thebestof cannot be held responsible for any changes, amends or cancellations of an event