The Importance Of Having A Marketing Strategy
23rd January 2010
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The Importance Of Having A Marketing Strategy

It is amazing how many new network marketers begin to market their businesses without having a clear picture of what they are aiming to achieve. No business, large or small, can really run a successful campaign without determining in advance what their strategy will be, who it will target and how. The MLM Blueprint for success shows you exactly how you can raise awareness of your business, and promote yourself at the same time. However while it might be tempting to try out each of these methods on a casual basis, this isn’t what you could term a ‘strategy.’

So, where do you start? If internet marketing is a new concept to you, it’s advisable to learn the basics of one element first, for example Facebook, or Twitter, before moving on to master something new. Using the MLM Blueprint, your strategy should involve using several methods every month, combining the traditional and modern marketing approaches and once you have five or six up and running, rotating them to see which are working best for you.

To get you started, identify the marketing methods you are currently using. Are you using them consistently? Only you know the answer. Then identify the other methods you haven’t tried yet. Before you sit down to write your marketing strategy, ask yourself these questions:

What am I seeking to achieve short term, medium term and long term? It may help to think of these periods of time as 90 days, six months and the next ten years.

Who am I trying to reach through my campaign? A campaign can be very specifically targeted or, at the other end of the scale, a campaign of general awareness about you and/or your business.  

How am I going to get my message across? You as a network marketer have a unique skill set, and previous business and life experience that you bring to network marketing. All of these attributes combine to form your unique brand.

How do I know how to identify my brand? The quickest way to establish your brand values is by asking yourself: what do I want people to think when they encounter my marketing? You might want to promote trust, honesty, integrity, confidence and individualism, for example. These form part of your brand values – and it can help to keep them somewhere near your computer screen to remind you of them at all times.

 Once you’ve decided what your message is and how you’re going to promote it, make a marketing strategy and stick to it. Monitor its progress – don’t be afraid to change something that isn’t working, and persist with the elements that are.

To learn more about creating an effective marketing strategy for your business contact:

William Debauchez
Author of ” The MLM blueprint”
Founder of
Attraction marketing and lead generation expert

Get in touch with me on:

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