What is Complementary Medicine and Holistic Therapy?
26th October 2009
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The best of Camberley is always looking to promote the best businesses in Surrey Heath and Julia Walsh, a  Holistic Massage therapist from unwind holistics is probably one of best in the borough. We asked her to explain more about Complementary Medicine and she said,

"Complementary therapy is one used to augment conventional medicine. For example, sore muscles may benefit from anti-inflammatory medication and massage. Acupuncture, massage  and osteopathy are examples of complementary therapies and in some cases your GP may suggest the use of these together with his treatment. Some practitioners of conventional medicine also qualify and practice these therapies, eg. Physiotherapists often use acupuncture too.

Complementary therapies used to be viewed with much suspicion but recognized qualifications and nationally recognized regulatory bodies have reversed this view and they are now chosen by many.

Holistic is a term used to describe a therapy which considers the effects of the symptoms suffered  on the body as a whole. In my case, I always provide a consultation –in detail –at the first appointment to see if a likely cause and therefore beneficial action(s) can be found. Stress is a good example as besides effects of tension in the shoulders, sleep can be disturbed, self esteem lacking and weight affected. Holistic therapists, not only provide treatment for the above but, they advise regarding actions to deal with these and where necessary refer the client for further treatment of a conventional or complementary form". 


If you want to find out more about unwind holistics you can contact Julia on  01276 35347 or email: unwindholistics@ntlworld.com

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John U

Member since: 10th July 2012

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