Kiss and Tell - Share your Love of Local Businesses with thebestof Cambridge!
1st February 2010
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February 1st sees the launch of thebestof's national campaign, 'The 14 Days of Love'.

Running until Valentine's Day, we are dedicated to encouraging people all over the UK to 'share the love' by adding a testimonial of thebestof website.

The last 18 months have not been easy but local businesses across the country have done us proud and kept the economy going throughout the recession.

We think it's time to recognise and reward the efforts of Cambridge businesses by helping to spread the love.

Is your plumber or electrician competitively priced, punctual and reliable? Have you discovered a wonderful restaurant, coffee shop or cafe that deserves more custom? Kiss and tell! Share the love! Tell them how much you love them!

Why? Because coverage for our campaign includes national, local and trade press, as well as social networking, email marketing and, of course, our websites, so the potential exposure for our most loved Business Members is huge. 

Of course, we don't expect you to do something for nothing. In return for your efforts, thebestof will be running various competitions and giveaways throughout the '14 Days of Love' campaign and rewarding our best local 'lovers' - the members who give the most love through their testimonials.

If you're not already a Member of thebestof, now is the time to join to pay recognition to your favourite businesses in Cambridge. 

You can follow the progress of Cambridge's local businesses on our Love-o-Meter, which shows the Top 20 'Most Loved' businesses in the area, and the Top 5 by category across the country.

Feel the love! Tell thebestof Cambridge and the rest of the country about the local businesses that inspire you.

About the Author

Ian C

Member since: 15th June 2012

I live locally. Loves travel, my springer spaniel 'Lilly' life,real ale,good food,fast bikes/cars. I run thebestofcambridge & newmarket,VELC business networking.

Love meeting new people and helping...

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